Ngwe Saung

Ngwe Saung Beach

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Ngwe Saung

★Ngwe Saung, Directions, trips, sightseeing, resort information, maps, climate, weather forecast etc

Ngwe Saung is the sightseeing place to the east of Myanmar, which is the nearest resort from Yangon. There are directions from Yangon to Ngwe Saung, Highway bus, long distance bus, how to buy bus tickets, map, sightseeing information, recommendation information, video, streaming etc.
Ngwe Saung

★Tourist information of Ngwe Saung, tourist attractions, recommendation, beaches.

Tourist information of Ngwe Saung. Basically, only beach in Ngwe Saung, there are not much sightseeing spots and sightseeing spots to enjoy. But the beach is very beautiful and there are not many people so you can relax. The waves are a little high, but it is easy to swim because they are regular.
Ngwe Saung

Ngwe Saung Beach of photos, streaming, Please refer to your trip.

Photos, streaming of Ngwe Saung Beach. The hotel is located along Ngwe Saung Beach, the beach is very beautiful. The waves are high, but it is easy to swim, because the waves are very regularly.
Ngwe Saung

Ngwe Saung Photos, streaming, sightseeing informatio of Information.

Ngwe Saung downtown in the city. Residential development has not advanced so far, Ngwe Saung is a residential area and local people live except main street. Basically, almost relaxing at the beach, hotel pool, guest house etc.
Ngwe Saung

★Thazin Beach is a sightseeing spot, the north of Ngwe Saung Beach.

Thazin Beach is north of Ngwe Saung, around 10 km. This Thazin Beach area is not much resort development. Almost only hotels at there. It is better to spend slowly time at the beach and hotels, so you should take with some books.
Ngwe Saung

Thazin Beach Resort Hotel is located in the north of Ngwe Saung.

Thazin Beach Resort Hotel is located in the north of Ngwe Saung and has a private beach. It takes about 20 minutes by taxi and motorbike taxi from Ngwe Saung city to Thazin Beach.
Ngwe Saung

Snake Pagoda is near Thazin Beach.

Snake Pagoda is located north of Ngwe Saung Beach and the Snake pagoda near Thazin Beach. This pagoda is in the ocean, so you can only go at low tide. From Thazin Beach, taking a time for 20 mins.
Ngwe Saung

Sea Fan restaurant is near the Thazin beach and beside Snake Pagoda.

The Sea Fan restaurant is located near the Thazin Beach, north of Ngwe Saung. Seafood, barbecue is the main restaurant, and next to snake pagoda.
Ngwe Saung

East Myanmar Information

East Myanmar
Ngwe Saung

Directions of Ngwe Saung, highway bus tickets, maps, beaches, hotels, tourist information etc.

6 hours by bus from Yangon to Ngwe Saung. This is the nearest resort from Yangon, Ngwe Saung has a beautiful beach. Please refer to directions, map, highway bus, how to buy tickets and how to get to there, hotel etc.
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